Returning the type of the suggester

Sometimes you need to know the exact type of a suggester in order to parse its results. The typed_keys parameter can be used to change the suggester’s name in the response so that it will be prefixed by its type.

Considering the following example with two suggesters term and phrase:

POST _search?typed_keys
  "suggest": {
    "text" : "some test mssage",
    "my-first-suggester" : {
      "term" : {
        "field" : "message"
    "my-second-suggester" : {
      "phrase" : {
        "field" : "message"

In the response, the suggester names will be changed to respectively term#my-first-suggester and phrase#my-second-suggester, reflecting the types of each suggestion:

  "suggest": {
    "term#my-first-suggester": [ 
        "text": "some",
        "offset": 0,
        "length": 4,
        "options": []
        "text": "test",
        "offset": 5,
        "length": 4,
        "options": []
        "text": "mssage",
        "offset": 10,
        "length": 6,
        "options": [
            "text": "message",
            "score": 0.8333333,
            "freq": 4
    "phrase#my-second-suggester": [ 
        "text": "some test mssage",
        "offset": 0,
        "length": 16,
        "options": [
            "text": "some test message",
            "score": 0.030227963

The name my-first-suggester now contains the term prefix.

The name my-second-suggester now contains the phrase prefix.